The Best Sign Language Video Recommendations

While a complete ASL course is the best way to learn ASL, we have searched for all the best sign language videos if you wish to use one as a supplement to your learning. We have checked them out and read their reviews. There really are a lot of good ones to choose from! The videos on this page were carefully selected and are our recommendations to you if you absolutely must buy a sign language video.

Please note that when you choose to purchase through the external links on this website (in many but not all cases) we will receive a referral commission. However, this commission does not influence the information we provide in this site. We always give honest opinions and reviews to share our findings, beliefs, and/or experiences. You can view our full disclosure on this page.

American Sign Language Downloads

sign language software

The Start ASL Offline Course
The Start ASL Complete Online Course is now available as an instant download. These files contain all of the ASL 1, 2, & 3 class Lessons, Readings, Videos, and Workbook in both a webpage course format as well as a PDF course format. Only three downloads and you will have full access to the ASL 1, 2 & 3 classes on your computer without an internet connection. We highly recommend this if you don’t have a reliable internet connection, need to download the videos all at once, or just want to save on your device data charges!

American Sign Language DVD Videos

Learn & Master American Sign Language
This is our absolute favorite DVD course! It is truly fantastic and includes 25 DVDS with 49 plus hours of instruction. The course is structured around a different topic you’d find in everyday life and is filled with vocabulary, sentences, narratives, and dialogues. In each lesson, you will learn vocabulary, practice signing and reception skills with sentences, questions, dialogues, and narratives. There are over 2000 vocabulary words. You will also learn about expansion features in ASL, finger spelling, numbers, and facts about Deaf culture. You’ll have tons of practice to the learn the language!

Sign Language 101: A Beginner’s Guide to American Sign Language (DVD)
This video is excellent for every American Sign Language (ASL) student as well as teachers, parents, and professionals learning ASL to communicate clearly and naturally. You will learn how to sign the alphabet, numbers, colors, holidays, calendar, grammar, sentence structures, ASL Idioms and hundreds of vocabulary along with bonus features. This video has also been developed for students and teachers from all schools, colleges, libraries and universities to use in all sorts of courses and programs promoting American Sign Language.

Common Expressions in American Sign Language, Vol. 1-2 Set (DVD)
This set is definitely a must-have. You will learn almost 250 common expressions, idioms, phrases, and sentences in ASL with these DVDs. They will take you through the rich culture and the parts of the language that are commonly used. This is great for learning the everyday conversations and will prepare you for getting involved.

Idioms & Phrases in American Sign Language, Vol. 1-5 (5-DVD Set) (DVD)
Idioms in ASL are so important to know! These DVDs are great for ASL students, interpreters, families, teachers, etc. It’s packed full of idioms and phrases and really worth the money.

American Sign Language Interpreter Training: Receptive & Expressive Skills Practice Set, Vol. 1 (DVD-R)
This 2 DVD set is a fantastic resource for any ASL student, teacher, or interpreter. It combines both Receptive and Expressive skills practice into an extremely comprehensive resource that covers fingerspelling, facts, vocabulary, sign-to-voice, voice-to-sign, idioms and phrases, and more. Highly recommended!

13-DVD Complete American Sign Language DVD Library (DVD)
If you are interested in purchasing several of the ASL DVDs available in this collection, you can save money by purchasing this 13 DVD package. It includes: Common Expressions in ASL (Vol 1 & 2), ASL Everyday Words: Activities and Events, ASL for Babies and Toddlers, Idioms & Phrases in ASL (Vol 1-5), ASL for Kids and Adults (Vol 1 & 2), and ASL Interpreter Training (Vol 1 & 2). All this for a great price!

American Sign Language 10-DVD Collection – Kids Series, Idioms Sets, ASL Interpreting Training Sets (DVD)
If you are interested in purchasing several of the ASL DVDs available in this collection, you can save money by purchasing this 10 DVD package. It includes: Idioms & Phrases in ASL (Vol 1-5), ASL for Kids and Adults (Vol 1 & 2), ASL Everyday Words: Activities and Events, ASL Interpreter Training (Vol 1 & 2). All this for a great price!

American Sign Language Learning System (DVD)
This is a good DVD packed full of information, but the signing is really fast. If you are new to ASL, we wouldn’t recommend it. If you have been learning ASL already and would like to practice your receptive skills, this is a good DVD for you.

ASL in Motion Dictionary (DVD)
Here is a DVD ASL dictionary (if you were looking for one). Instead of a book or software, this DVD would work just as well as an ASL dictionary.

Learn Sign Language DVD Collection – 4 DVD’s (American Sign Language Songs – ASL Songs Video on DVD) (DVD)
If you want to learn songs (patriotic, Christmas, hymns, etc.) then this is a great series to have. We haven’t found anything else that offers these songs.

DVDs for Kids

American Sign Language for Kids and Adults, Vol. 1-2 – Complete Set – 2 DVDs (DVD)
This is Volumes 1-2 of the American Sign Language for Kids and Adults series. We do recommend these sign language videos for parents and/or kids. If you are learning ASL on your own, this may be a little too kid-like for you.

I Want to Learn Sign Language, Vol. 1 (DVD)
This is a great video for your older child. It is Volume 1 of 2. If you taught your baby sign language, this is great for when he or she gets older!

I Want to Learn Sign Langauge, Vol. 2 (DVD)
This is a great video for your older child. It is Volume 2 of 2. If you taught your baby sign language, this is great for when he or she gets older!

American Sign Language for Kids: Learn ASL Beginner Level 1, Vol. 1 (DVD)
American Sign Language is one of the fastest-growing languages today. With Language Tree’s American Sign Language for Kids volume 1 (perfect for children of all ages), you will learn how to fingerspell the alphabet and numbers as well as pick up signs for everyday situations such as meeting and greeting, pronouns, family members, occupations, colors, and much more. In addition, tips on how to interact effectively with the Deaf community are offered throughout the program.

American Sign Language for Kids: Learn ASL Beginner Level 1, Vol. 2 (DVD)
Language Tree’s American Sign Language for Kids volume 2 is designed for kids of all ages who would like to learn the basics of ASL. This DVD introduces useful signs for everyday concepts such as eating, telling time, weather, parts of the body, feelings and emotions. Along the way, your child will also gain valuable insight into the Deaf culture.

Signing Time Volume 1: My First Signs DVD (DVD)
The show Signing Time is a lot of fun! These are not only great DVDs for teaching your kids, but also to practice vocabulary! We highly recommend these DVDs.

Signing Time Volume 2 Playtime Signs DVD (DVD)
The show Signing Time is a lot of fun! These are not only great DVDs for teaching your kids, but also to practice vocabulary! We highly recommend these DVDs.

Baby Signing Time Volume 1 DVD (DVD)
The show Signing Time is already a lot of fun! Now, just introduce that to your baby and you’ve got Baby Signing Time! We highly recommend these DVDs.

Baby Signing Time Volume 2: Here I Go DVD (DVD)
The show Signing Time is already a lot of fun! Now, just introduce that to your baby and you’ve got Baby Signing Time! We highly recommend these DVDs.

ASL Tales: The Princess and the Pea
A modern retelling of the classic story with a decidedly NOT-dainty princess. The haughty Queen, perfectly portrayed in ASL by Pinky Aiello, learns that a true Princess is more than dainty. Children and adults will delight in the story and the whimsical illustrations. The book/DVD package is accompanied by web-based instruction that, unlike most children’s sign language materials, teach fundamentals of ASL grammar, vocabulary and syntax. Enjoyable and instructive for novice and advanced users of ASL. Written by A. Rodriguez and J. Starr, illustrated by J. Hood, and performed in ASL by Pinky Aiello.

American Sign Language VHS Videos


Number Signs for Everyone: Numbering in American Sign Language [VHS] (VHS Tape)
This video was required for my ASL Interpreting class. It really makes numbers in ASL very clear. There are so many different ways to sign different numbers. It all depends on the context, and this is something you definitely need to learn how to decipher if you are learning ASL.

ASL / PSE Grammar & Sentence Structure (VHS Tape)
This was another required video for my ASL Interpreting class. Many people think they are signing ASL, when really, they are signing Pidgin Signed English. This video will teach you how to make sure you are signing ASL and not PSE. We highly recommend it!

Have a favorite sign language video?

If you have a favorite sign language video that is not mentioned on this page, please share in the comments below!


4 Responses

  1. Deaf Missions Jesus Movie: It is a Movie about the life of Jesus completely in sign language, all the actors are signing, and it has English subtitles. It is a great movie for all ages, I highly recommend it!
    Link to their page:

  2. Here is a great review of Baby Signing Time:

    from Ivory Henson (Arizona): As with the Signing Time DVD Series, the Baby Signing Time DVD Series is a great way to introduce american sign language to your little ones. These DVDs have fun songs and a lot of colorful images of babies and children playing that babies and toddlers love. They showcase signs that are useful in every day situations when playing with and communicating with your young child. As with her other Signing Time DVDs, Rachel, the host, continues to use the colored tape on her fingers. I have found that this is so helpful for me to be able to differentiate finger positions in various signs. The only draw back I can think of with these DVDs is the same problem with a lot of childrens’ DVDs, and that is that after a while the songs can get a bit annoying. Especially after being asked to replay the DVD numerous times and then listening to your child sing the songs around the house. But hearing the same songs over and over is part of the joy of having children.

  3. Here are some great Signing Time video reviews from other visitors:

    by Amber Waite (Utah, US): These videos have been a great way to help both my deaf and hearing children learn signs. It’s been great to help my hearing children to communicate with their sister and also to help my deaf daughter to be able to identify more things through sign. The signs are presented in a fun way with fun songs to help you remember the signs. The songs are very catching and even my husband, who is a composer, has admitted how cleaver many of them are. There are two series of videos. We have most of the first series and have viewed many of the second series videos by checking them out at the library. Not a single one has disappointed. It’s been fun to watch the children that star in the videos as they age, and especially as Leah, who is deaf, has grown in her language abilities. I’ve been able to use it as a guide to see how my daughter might progress.

    by Ivory Henson (Arizona, US): I really love these DVDs. They are especially great if you’re trying to teach american sign language to children. I used to show these DVDs during “quiet time” when I taught preschool. The kids just thought it was another fun and interesting kids’ show and then later thought it was cool that they learned new signs, as I often used sign language in the classroom. I especially love how Rachel, the host, colors her fingers with tape so you can see which fingers are doing what. It can sometimes get confusing when watching a DVD not being able to tell exactly what shapes are being made with the hands. I think these DVDs are a great tool not just for teaching children sign language but for anyone who wants an introduction to learning american sign language. They are a little on the pricey side, or at least for my budget they are. But I have found that most public libraries have a good collection of the Signing Time DVDs.

    by Tywanna Watley (Louisiana, US): I love this series! My son enjoys watching these and I feel good knowing that he’s learning and being entertained at the same time!

    by Cindy (Fond du Lac County, WI): Positively WONDERFUL!! I believe as an adult I have learned more with these videos (that I play for my niece) than I did with my ASL class. Educational and fun… great for EVERYONE!!!

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