DJSC! A Student’s Pocket Guide to Deaf Community Terminology (Paperback)

Get the paperback version of our bonus book in the DJSC! Series direct from our publisher!


Don’t Just “Sign”… Communicate! A Student’s Pocket Guide to Deaf Community Terminology

Start ASL is now offering a priceless companion for ASL students…

“Check for Validity, Make Quick References, and
Study with the Ultimate Pocket Guide Reference Book!”

Fits Conveniently in Your Pocket – Don’t Leave Home without It!

deaf community terminology

Maybe you’re riding the city bus home and you want to study Deaf community terminology while you drive. Perhaps you’ve encountered a specific acronym and you want to know what it means. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can easily and quickly refer to your Student’s Pocket Guide to Deaf Community Terminology.

It can be difficult to communicate without understanding a particular group of individuals’ terminology, and in some cases, not knowing can leave you feeling a little embarrassed. You never have to feel this way again, because no matter where you’re at, you can look it up quickly and easily to determine precisely what a specific term means.

The Student’s Pocket Guide to Deaf Community Terminology allows you to:

  • Quickly and easily find the meaning of a community term.
  • Study terminology whenever you have a spare moment.
  • Ensure that you’re participating correctly in conversations.
  • Build confidence for signing and communicating.
  • Study with a quick and convenient method no matter where you are.
  • And more!

This is also a wonderful gift for any student who is studying American Sign Language, and a priceless resource!