Dr. Paddy Ladd ‘In Search of Deafhood’ lecture and Q&A
7am PST, 10am EST, 2pm UTC
Location: https://ad-infinitum.org/dr-paddy-ladd
Description: 2pm UTC – screening of lecture
3:45pm UTC- Q&A with Dr Paddy Ladd
The lecture and Q&A are FREE.
Please register for Q&A tickets in advance here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dr-paddy-ladd-in-conversation-tickets-124401304651
Join award-winning author and activist Dr Paddy Ladd as he shares his investigation of Deaf Culture, history and sign language, examining why it is still under threat, and crucially, how it can benefit humanity at large. Told through the community’s own perspective, Dr Paddy Ladd discusses the concept of Deaf Culture and the contribution it’s made both to academic disciplines, and human lives in general.